Tai chi developed as a martial art in 13th century China, and some styles are still practised for martial application. Yang is the style seen practised in parks in China. Sun style was developed last century with the specific aim of improving health and physical well-being.

The slow, graceful Yang and Sun style moves may seem simple and effortless, but patience and concentration are needed to perform them correctly.  With application, improvements in strength, stamina, flexibility and balance will follow .. balance is central to tai chi. Research shows that Sun style tai chi can help improve conditions such as arthritis, with spin-offs such as preventing falls.

The aim of the Tuesday group is to learn to practise tai chi correctly in order to derive physical and mental/emotional benefits. We focus mainly on forms from the Sun and Yang styles, but include some of the gentler Chen moves.

The group meets fortnightly on Tuesdays: 2.45pm to 4.15pm at the Women’s Institute Hall, Prestbury.  NB During the lockdowns sessions were Zoomed each week.  At present we alternate ‘live’ with Zoom sessions. This could change.

I am happy to take names of people who have some (could be very little) experience of tai chi (or xi gong).


Meeting Details

Tuesday p.m.

2nd Tuesday 2:15pm
Vacancies: 0