News & Group Updates



The Committee are preparing for our AGM which will be held on 26 March at St Matthew’s church. The AGM will be followed by a talk A Royalist Highwayman by Marguerite Collins. There will be no charge for this Open Meeting. More details about this are to be found elsewhere in the magazine. We do need a quorum of 100 people to go ahead with the AGM so please do come. You will hear what has been happening in the u3a over the last year and the Treasurer will present a report. You will also have the opportunity to meet the Committee. Unfortunately, we have found it very difficult to recruit to important roles on the Committee. This is disappointing because we have a large membership. It would be nice if we didn’t have to send out repeated begging emails. Next time you see that we need a replacement post please would you consider whether you could help? These posts can be shared and need not be onerous. The Committee meets only once a month for two hours and the meetings always finish on time! Unfortunately, Michael Wright, our Treasurer, has been unable to continue in this role. We would like to thank him for all the work he has done to simplify the accounts and wish him well for the future. Elsewhere in the magazine you will find details of New Members’ and Group Leaders’ meetings and a First Aid course, all on 6 March. Occasionally we are asked to provide support to neighbouring u3a’s. We are always pleased when we can do so, be it by sharing policies or forming shared groups. The Gloucester u3a has lost its French Conversation group leader due to ill health. I have asked the leaders of our French groups if there is anyone who can help but I would like all our members to have the opportunity of being involved. Please contact me if you are able to lead a French conversation group.

Janet Ropner