News & Group Updates

A Word from Our Chair


The Committee was delighted to see such a large audience at the AGM. There were apparently 205 people present! I am always so pleased to see people chatting over their refreshments before our monthly meetings; there is a very friendly atmosphere.

You will see the names of the new Committee and the posts they hold on the last page of The Magazine. Steve Orme and I should have stepped down at the AGM but in the absence of anyone to take our place we will both continue, but not indefinitely. Succession planning will continue actively!

Tony Moran spoke under Any Other Business at the AGM about his idea of forming a Cheltenham u3a Support Group. He thought that if people are told exactly what needs doing, for example at the Open Day, and how long it would take, they would be more likely to volunteer. I am pleased to say that 22 people made contact with him after the meeting and will be prepared to help in various ways.

It was unfortunate that our speaker had to reduce her talk about A Royalist Highwayman which was very interesting. We are planning to ask her to return when we have a space.

Volunteers have been coming forward in order to help form new groups as well. Five new groups were formed in March and hopefully another four will appear in April. This is fantastic news! We can only continue to thrive with a good supply of volunteers.

Those who attended the First Aid Course run by the Red Cross found it very useful. There are eleven people still interested in attending another course which I will organise when we have 15 people on the waiting list.

Elsewhere in the magazine you will hear about our Open Day on June 19th and the u3a Festival which will be held in York from 18th–20th July. There is also the Cotswold Link Special Interest Day which will be held in Cheltenham on June 4th. It is entitled Our Brave New World and promises to be very interesting.

As members of the Third Age Trust, we all receive a copy of their magazine, Third Age Matters. If you do not want to have this, you can opt out. Please let the Membership Secretary know that you no longer want to have it, [email protected].

Janet Ropner