Tuesday, 12th May 2020

Friends Against Scams

10:30am -11:30am


The Third Age Trust has arranged for experts from NatWest, Royal Bank of Scotland and Ulster Bank will update us on the latest coronavirus scams and how to protect yourself from fraud. The sessions will be hosted by a Community Banker and are open to anyone who would like to know more about how to keep themselves safe from fraud and scams.

How the sessions will work

Sessions will be held by region, using video conferencing and you need to register your interest by region with Eventbrite. You will then be sent the joining details for a session in your region. The number of people who can join each session is limited, so if the initial session is full additional sessions will be held in the following weeks to ensure that everybody is able to take part.

Please note your details will not be passed to NatWest at any time.

Use the following link to register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/friends-against-scams-south-and-midlands-12th-may-registration-104321267720

You can also find this event on the Third Age Trust website.