This relatively new group meets in each other’s homes on the third Friday morning of the month. We have had a slow start as we worked out how to achieve aims that were quite challenging within a monthly meeting format. However we feel that despite our aspirations probably being higher than our time available, we are gaining knowledge and having some fun, so are resolved to continue.

We are a relaxed group of people with an interest in music but feel lacking in (very!) basic knowledge and understanding. Some of us belong to U3A musical groups. We work to a book that can be purchased quite cheaply and will take it in turns to lead learning. This means you can “catch up” if you miss a session or do a bit of preparation or revision.

We need to remain a small group to fit into homes but have space for two or three new members. We would expect you to catch us up (we have not gone far in our learning!) rather than us start again, but would support you to do this.

In addition we remain interested in the idea of being mentored by more knowledgeable musicians from within U3A. A couple of such members have supported us very much and given generously of their time. For different reasons, they are, however, unable to continue on a regular basis.

If you are willing to lead our quest for learning on a monthly basis or for a session or two (or more …) we would be very grateful.

Meeting Details

Friday a.m.

3rd Friday 10:30 - 12:30 with coffee
Leckhampton - private house