News & Group Updates

The Gloucestershire Digibus

The aim of the Gloucestershire DigiBus project, run by the Cheltenham based charity IT Schools Africa, is to bring digital education and experiences to local communities in Gloucestershire. The project uses a converted double-decker bus to travel around the county stopping at various community venues offering our a free service (although a donation to the project is welcomed!!).

The services and advice offered include:

Internet security and safe internet browsing.

On-line banking.

Mobile device help.

IT problem solving.

On-line shopping advice.

Social media and video conferencing.

Navigating on-line activities such as GP surgeries

It is possible to book a one-to-one session with one of their trainers, or you can take part in one of the numerous free workshops which are often run on the DigiBus. The timetable and locations of where the bus will be visiting are given on their website. If enough of our members are interested in visiting the Digibus then it is possible that we could organise a dedicated visit for the Cheltenham u3a. If you are interested in this option then please let me know and I will look into organising such a group visit.

Steve Orme