Launching the “Cheltenham u3a Support Group”

At the AGM the “Cheltenham u3a Support Group” was launched and more than 20 members signed up (over 10% of the AGM attendance). Here’s why. Our u3a Organisers (Committee and Key Roles) are excellent at making our u3a so successful, but with 1700 members and 130 activity groups it is a lot of work.  The Organisers are very grateful to existing supporters, but the response to requests for support is somewhat underwhelming. The Support Group is a different approach. Members signing up to the group volunteer to support the Organisers, the Organisers prepare a task list, publish it in the web members area, and matches are made between the volunteers and the tasks, dates and timescales. Tasks are very focussed, often quite short but essential for success. Group Members choose which tasks they accept.

We are using the Open Day on Wed 19 June 2024 as a pilot. Tasks range from 45 minutes (e.g. supervise dropping off items in the morning), 21/4 hours (morning or afternoon at the event), pre-event (Table Plan). Details are on the web. TASK LIST

Support Group details are on the web and in the Magazine group list. I appreciate that many members have other commitments and are unable volunteer. If 10% of members offered 1 day support per year, that would be 6 months effort and would make a huge difference.

I support our u3a because they’re worth it. How do you feel?

Tony Moran, Support Group Leader

[email protected]

Meeting Details